Saturday, May 11, 2024

'CLOWNS TO THE LEFT, JOKERS TO THE RIGHT', Stuck In The Middle, Writing Things Out.

What would you save if your house was on fire?U said u love me, then why do u hurting me so bad?Good Tales:You? Me? Us?Love friends forever.Cartoon network,The Fairy and the Frogs: Men Or Mice: Under The Surface.

 'CLOWNS TO THE LEFT, JOKERS TO THE RIGHT', Stuck In The Middle, Writing Things Out. 
May be a doodle of elephant and text that says 'CLOWNS TO THE LEFT JOKERS To THE RIGHT'

BREAKING News:Spruce Power/Kilowatt Financial/Sungevity - Solar Panel Complaints, company so bad, assholes, known as the worst, solar company to work with, in the USA, sons that stink.I CALLED THEM AND AFTER A LONG wait, 6 years later. Houses to sell, will not close.
.SPRUCE POWER | LINKEDIN My Memories.LEASE TRANSFER AGREEMENT. When Conspiracy Theory Becomes Fact.Liars Go to Hell. Revelation 21:8'.Going the Extra Mile | Napoleon Hill.

Twisted Sister. Mental for a fee, PTSD, crazy like a fox, more ways to skin a cat, words in waves to exchange, just looking for another friend, maybe for life. 

 'CLOWNS TO THE LEFT, JOKERS TO THE RIGHT', Stuck In The Middle, Writing Things Out. 

Rigrodsky Law, P.A. is investigating potential claims against the officers and directors of Spruce Power Holding Corporation, formerly known as XL Fleet Corp. ("XL" or the "Company"), on behalf of stockholders. Across The Decades,Family Affairs,Nuts On The Go.Golden Calf: What beef?

Spruce Power Documents via DocuSign <> Honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom.” ―Thomas Jefferson.Daily walks. Love, love, love! It is NOT. Happy Birthday...Party-on Wonder woman!Your document was cancelled.‘THE REFUSAL,’DAN EVANS ,Lic. # 01324544.Magic Madness, Windows In Heaven: Sinners And Saints:Layers Of Lessons. Make Me Say it Again cowboy.

Reports have shown that many Religious organizations, Schools, Medical facilities, Youth programs have covered up decades of sexual abuse involving thousands of victims.

Anyone who was inappropriately touched at any time by any authority figure of an institution, it's time to speak up. ‘THE REFUSAL,’DAN EVANS ,Lic. # 01324544.Magic Madness, Windows In Heaven: Sinners And Saints:Layers Of Lessons. Make Me Say it Again cowboy.

Wanted to sell the house, contract was signed by both parties, seller and buyer, the real estate agent, Daniel Evans, of Tecumala Valley Home Team, hung me out to dry, lots of pressure to sign forms, with Spruse Powers, 4 pages to include me, in a financial form, without a conversation, or knowledge of the charges they want to add. Marine for life, devil dog, will never stop fighting, for what is right.

Reports have shown that many Religious organizations, Schools, Medical facilities, Youth programs have covered up decades of sexual abuse involving thousands of victims.

Anyone who was inappropriately touched at any time by any authority figure of an institution, it's time to speak up. ‘THE REFUSAL,’DAN EVANS ,Lic. # 01324544.Magic Madness, Windows In Heaven: Sinners And Saints:Layers Of Lessons. Make Me Say it Again cowboy.

Clowns to the Left of Me, Jokers to the Right...SUNRUN/VIVINT -Palm Springs, Family Affairs, Heads To Count, Faces In Herds.

Rigrodsky Law, P.A. is investigating potential claims against the officers and directors of Spruce Power Holding Corporation, formerly known as XL Fleet Corp. ("XL" or the "Company"), on behalf of stockholders. Across The Decades,Family Affairs,Nuts On The Go.Golden Calf: What beef?

 'CLOWNS TO THE LEFT, JOKERS TO THE RIGHT', Stuck In The Middle, Writing Things Out. 

Good morning beautiful souls.. Wishing everyone a wonderful day filled with peace.. love and light.. This is the beginning of a new day.. Creator has given you this day to do with as you  will.. You can waste it.. or use it for something good.

If your looking for stimulating conversations on here it’s a lost cause most people won’t read what you wrote let alone understand it. Creativity,Is Intelligence And Imagination Having Fun” Good Af ternoon. Adult Lounge. Thickness Paradise NO NUDES OF FROGS..Adult Humour!LAST CHANCE TODAY:A TIMELESS ESCAPE. SEEKING FRIENDS, COMPANIONS:

Trips to the moon. Running with angels, goodness and mercy angels on earth. Practice to perfection classic life lessons. Mr.Espinoza we will have to draft a midterm and there's no exact time frame for when that will be ready.
In like Flynn,Times on the cross, trips to hell and back, free rides. Hope in colors, hope floating all the time, hopes and prayers, searching for places to land.
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Darkness In The Nines, Blue Stars To Shoot: Daily Stars .While You Were Sleep, Fairy Tales Recaps, Witches, Fairies, Pixies.HERE'S TO OUR PAST (Carlsbad)Red Dates Though for the day:No one can choose your mountain or tell you when to climb....

Sitting on the sidelines, taking notes, have a thing or two to share, with Jack, Mack and Moe, names to toss in the wind.Fairy Tales: Time to praises pretty productive people, maps to sunshine.
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Stop Living Someone Else's Life. Become Who You're Meant To Be....Morons, Angels To Cry, Tests Over Time, To Fail, First Attempts With New Data, Pages Turned.

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